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Jack Jackson Jr. wins election to state senate

By Daniel Kraker

Flagstaff, AZ –
Jackson defeated Sylvia Laughter and two other members of the Navajo Nation, Kee Allen Begay and Gloria Hale Showalter. Both Jackson and Laughter are former state representatives. Jackson criticized her during the campaign for switching from a Democrat to an independent during her last term in office.

Jackson and Albert Hale, who was elected to the state house in district two, will be the only Native Americans in the next legislature.

"We have a much greater responsibility to talk with folks who aren't familiar with northern AZ, to really impress upon them what the needs are in our tribal communities, and those needs are great. With unemployment 50% on Navajo, 18,000 h omes without t electricity, a lot of our colleagues aren't aware of that. And it's a continual process."

Jackson will continue a long family legacy at the Arizona legislature. His father, Jack Jackson Sr., served as a representative and senator from 1985 to 2004.